Monday, July 22, 2013

Week 9: Book Trailers

Assignment 1/2
My first experience with book trailers featured Gary Shteyngart and his dachshund, so I started out with positive feelings toward them. I think in theory that they would be an excellent marketing tool. We live in a visual world, and the trailer format, done well, can be intriguing, entertaining and potentially leave a more vivid impression than a written blurb or review. The sticking point: where do you put them so that readers will see them? Can the cost of producing a quality book trailer (that would entail professional production values, talented actors, well-done concept and writing) be offset by increased book sales?

Assignment 3
Be More Bookish has been an interesting experience. It was a journey through some familiar and some unfamiliar sources and ways of thinking about Reader's Advisory. The format was a nice change from the typical read some books/attend a half-day workshop presentation; there are those who get more out of the individual work and time for thought. It was a worthwhile project, and I personally appreciated the extended time for completion.

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